Servant leaders, using spiritual gifts for lifelong service.
For a few years now TCPS has taken the 9th-12th graders on a fall retreat to The Grove at Red Oak Lake in Cordova, TN to jumpstart the year. On the first day the seniors go ahead and have some intensive think and prayer time seeking direction for their leadership this particular year. The seniors develop a theme and prepare for the rest of the upper school to join them the next day. They do have some fun this day as well.
Day 2 brings the 9th-11th graders to The Grove and we meet in the Chapel to begin with worship. We then proceed to numerous activities and games to build unity and continue with mental and physical challenges. Our teachers, administration, and students really enjoy this kickoff to a new year. This day we have a worship service that really sets the tone for our year.
Day 3 wraps up the retreat with more activities and concludes with worship. Ask any TCPS student about fond memories and I guarantee the Fall Retreat will be mentioned in their list. This year we came back at the end of Day 2 to avoid the students bunking in close quarters for the night.
Each year toward the spring we have a week of focus on Spiritual opportunities that are a bit more intentional than other times throughout the year. We assign each grade to a local ministry and give canned goods or other items that those ministries stock.
For most of the week we have Chapel every day and are challenged to check our spiritual lives and remember who we desire to be like. In our mission statement we have the phrase to “know Jesus and make him known” and we pray that this week reminds us to continue as the year is coming to a close.
We strive to at least one of the days to have classes go out into the community and serve in various capacities. We rake leaves, weed flower beds, wash buses, minister to senior adults and more. Our hope is that the churches and the community in Tupelo and the surrounding area know that TCPS is here to serve.
We have been blessed to be a part of assisting in making wishes come true for St. Jude patients. We have done a Batman and a Princess themed reveal. Our students love to see the faces of these children at the reveal ceremony. Mrs. Robin Herrod leads the charge each year to make these wishes a reality. We love to involve our students and families in this worthy ministry.